A spectacular Festa in Palazzolo Acriede, held every year. The atmosphere is electric, the fireworks deafening, and the homage paid to the patron saint of Palazzolo Acriede, San Sebastiano, is humbling as the naked babies are handed up for blessing!
A six foot stone sculpture on the stroll down main street.
No shortage of things to keep the kids enthralled for the day.
The church awaits the beginning of the celebration.
An early morning service before the excitement begins.
Simply incredible, intricate murals on the ceiling.
The cart ready for the statue of San Sebastiano to be carried out of the church…the sciuta (exit)…on the shoulders of all the men.
The piazza beginning to fill. Soon it will be packed with people elbow to elbow. Hundreds of cell phones and cameras all vying for that great photo!
The Carabinieri were close by to keep an eye on the festivities and the festivity goers. That had to be hot in those dark uniforms!
The fire volunteers were ready and waiting with many firefighters close by. Super hot, dry day with temps in the upper 90’s F. or 37 C.
The women were decked out in fun summer fashion.
A split second before the first wave of fireworks as the crowd cheers!
The first blast of sound is heard… and it begins…which is a polite way of saying
“All h___ breaks loose”
A sort of frenzy ensues and takes over…
The blasts of sound scream out along with the cheers of the people in a deafening roar.
The crowd is covered in falling confetti…oftentimes hitting you harder than you would have imagined!
Hard to take your eyes away from the amazing rainbow of colors!
It went on for several minutes, an experience you can’t really explain to people but should absolutely be experienced in person!
The boys on the cart continued to whip the crowd into a frenzy…
Another huge set of fireworks as we moved into the finale…
The roar was incredible…don’t even think of trying to speak to the person next to you…
The boys with the water buckets already at work at the top of the church as the fires begin.
As quickly as it had started, the noise came to a swift ending while the last of the streamers floated down into soft colorful heaps.
The amazing mountains of confetti and paper was like a brilliant snowfall in wondrous color, covering everything!
The boys were on top of it as the fires started on the church.
Meanwhile the procession began it’s march around the piazza.
Babies were handed up to be blessed in honor of the patron Saint of Palazzolo Acriede, San Sebastiano!
Fifty Euro notes, twentys and tens came from everywhere to be attached to the outside of the cart carrying the patron Saint.
Carefully returned to dad’s waiting arms…
The band plays on throughout it all…
More babies are blessed and this is only the beginning…after they make the rounds of the piazza they will travel all through the narrow streets of the little town. When they finally make their way back to the church the final set of fireworks will ring out.
It will be mid afternoon before they are back to the church, exhausted but exhilarated.
Everyone has fun in the colorful aftermath.
Walking becomes challenging.
A few mountains of streamers are still smouldering, but the crowd loves it!
One last selfie…
We start to make our way out of the piazza.
Children and strollers took a big hit in the streamer department…but they seemed to really enjoy it!
Some of the biggest confetti I have ever seen!
It is soooooooo absolutely, positively time for a cold vino bianco! Time to wander down to one of our favorite wine bars in Palazzolo Acriede, Taverna di Bacco!